how can i link things to different page E.g "Ebooks" to b link to where ebook is or listed...How can i do it??
SPICY i dont get you, explain well
mowi i mean hw can i make a link dat will direct to anywhere inside d site..4 example.."Java App" when sum1 click on it..it will direct him to where java app is listed
mowi pls also help mhe with "Table Code with link in it" in mah Wapka site
SPICY after entering admin mode, click on .:edit site:. Below and enter new page, choose page name and proceed
mowi Yhu knw if i put a new page..it will show in all d page but hw can i put something inside dat new page...dats wat am talking abt..eg Games" then inside d games i'll put something
SPICY use this code,
<div class=""><a href=":url-site-30:">Java Games</a></div>
Copy code
Your java games link will be
http://yoursite.tk/site_30.xhtml after pasting the code, click on it to add java games for your site.
mowi ok lemme go and try it first.....Pls how can i put or do dat thing dat "Donsia" did in his "Donsiazone.com"...those little 2go application,Music,Videos,games dat he filelist at d buttom left side of his homepage
mowi How gve mhe d filelist code...i mean d 1 dat will show all music,app,game outside lyk donsiazone