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* SPICY how can i link things to different page E.g "Ebooks" to b link to where ebook is or listed...How can i do it??
2015-02-04 03:29 · (0)
* mowi * SPICY i dont get you, explain well
2015-02-04 09:10 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi i mean hw can i make a link dat will direct to anywhere inside d site..4 example.."Java App" when sum1 click on it..it will direct him to where java app is listed
2015-02-04 09:44 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi pls also help mhe with "Table Code with link in it" in mah Wapka site
2015-02-04 09:45 (edited 2015-02-04 11:43 by SPICY ) · (0)
* mowi * SPICY after entering admin mode, click on .:edit site:. Below and enter new page, choose page name and proceed
2015-02-04 12:35 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi Yhu knw if i put a new page..it will show in all d page but hw can i put something inside dat new page...dats wat am talking abt..eg Games" then inside d games i'll put something
2015-02-05 01:40 · (0)
* mowi * SPICY use this code,
<div class=""><a href=":url-site-30:">Java Games</a></div>
Copy code

Your java games link will be http://yoursite.tk/site_30.xhtml after pasting the code, click on it to add java games for your site.
2015-02-05 05:51 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi ok lemme go and try it first.....Pls how can i put or do dat thing dat "Donsia" did in his "Donsiazone.com"...those little 2go application,Music,Videos,games dat he filelist at d buttom left side of his homepage
2015-02-05 08:05 · (0)
* mowi * SPICY its a filelist
2015-02-05 12:07 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi How gve mhe d filelist code...i mean d 1 dat will show all music,app,game outside lyk donsiazone
2015-02-05 23:24 · (0)

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