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* Alimazaswap pls I want to know the type of CSS style you are using and where to get it
2014-12-28 20:40 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap Its from this site, you can put it on your site by using this code
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="all,handheld" />
Copy code
2014-12-28 21:06 · (0)
* Alimazaswap * mowi sir should I just paste it on my site or in a page. Also what of the <div classes> thanks
2014-12-28 21:18 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap Copy it and paste it on your site, for the div classes visit when it opens view it carefully, you will see things like .lime .cyclone .jam e.t.c the word after the dot is the div class.
2014-12-28 23:40 · (0)
* Alimazaswap * mowi OK. are all the <div classes> having the same colour??
2014-12-29 01:40 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap Nop, they come in different colors and designs
2014-12-30 06:39 · (0)
* Alimazaswap * mowi OK please mowi how can I diffrenciate the colours and designs?? give me one <div class> green like yours please
2014-12-30 10:07 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap E.g
<div class="lime">DIV_CLASS_TEST</div>
Copy code

is different from

<div class="cyclone">DIV_CLASS_TEST</div>
Copy code

paste these two codes and see the difference.
2014-12-30 13:05 · (0)
* Alimazaswap * mowi ok sir which <div class> did u use for COMMUNITY, FUN STUFFS?? PLEASE
2015-01-02 01:49 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap source code the page.
2015-01-02 09:50 · (0)

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