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* Alimazaswap pls I want to know the type of CSS style you are using and where to get it
2014-12-29 05:40 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap Its from this site, you can put it on your site by using this code
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://mowiwap.xtgem.com/styles.css" media="all,handheld" />
Copy code
2014-12-29 06:06 · (0)
* Alimazaswap * mowi sir should I just paste it on my site or in a page. Also what of the <div classes> thanks
2014-12-29 06:18 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap Copy it and paste it on your site, for the div classes visit http://mowiwap.xtgem.com/styles.css when it opens view it carefully, you will see things like .lime .cyclone .jam e.t.c the word after the dot is the div class.
2014-12-29 08:40 · (0)
* Alimazaswap * mowi OK. are all the <div classes> having the same colour??
2014-12-29 10:40 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap Nop, they come in different colors and designs
2014-12-30 15:39 · (0)
* Alimazaswap * mowi OK please mowi how can I diffrenciate the colours and designs?? give me one <div class> green like yours please
2014-12-30 19:07 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap E.g
<div class="lime">DIV_CLASS_TEST</div>
Copy code

is different from

<div class="cyclone">DIV_CLASS_TEST</div>
Copy code

paste these two codes and see the difference.
2014-12-30 22:05 · (0)
* Alimazaswap * mowi ok sir which <div class> did u use for COMMUNITY, FUN STUFFS?? PLEASE
2015-01-02 10:49 · (0)
* mowi * Alimazaswap source code the page.
2015-01-02 18:50 · (0)

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