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* SPICY * mowi tankz...Pls help mhe "Forum category Code" dat show "Total Post" in a table form
2015-02-10 20:29 · (0)
* mowi * SPICY edit carefully
:li#st-g#ame: cid=15825, l=20, o=tu, s=1 ::<div class="rmenu"><img src="%thumburl%"/><br/><a href="%viewurl%"><b> %title%</b></a><br/>DESC:%description%<br/>[%filesize% ][%downtotal%]</div>:: :/list-music: <div align="left" class="filelist_paging">:pa#gin#g:n=1,u=site_4.%ext%?get-n=%n%&get-o=tu&hash=27982413cd6aced668a9c5a34c6982 ::<b>PAGES : %n%.%n%.%n%.%n%.%n%...%nlast%</b> :/p#agi#ng:</div> <div align="left" class="filelist_paging"><form method="get" action="site_4.xhtml"><input type="hidden" name="hash" value="27982413cd6aced668a9c5a34c6982" /><input type="text" name="get-n" size="3" value="1"/><input type="submit" value="Jump"/></form></div>
Copy code
2015-02-08 08:40 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi is content manager
2015-02-07 16:41 · (0)
* mowi * SPICY is your site a file manager site or content manager site?
2015-02-06 15:12 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi How gve mhe d filelist code...i mean d 1 dat will show all music,app,game outside lyk donsiazone
2015-02-06 08:24 · (0)
* mowi * SPICY its a filelist
2015-02-05 21:07 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi ok lemme go and try it first.....Pls how can i put or do dat thing dat "Donsia" did in his ""...those little 2go application,Music,Videos,games dat he filelist at d buttom left side of his homepage
2015-02-05 17:05 · (0)
* mowi * SPICY use this code,
<div class=""><a href=":url-site-30:">Java Games</a></div>
Copy code

Your java games link will be after pasting the code, click on it to add java games for your site.
2015-02-05 14:51 · (0)
* SPICY * mowi Yhu knw if i put a new will show in all d page but hw can i put something inside dat new page...dats wat am talking Games" then inside d games i'll put something
2015-02-05 10:40 · (0)
* mowi * SPICY after entering admin mode, click on .:edit site:. Below and enter new page, choose page name and proceed
2015-02-04 21:35 · (0)

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