mowi Pls anywher i see DIV CLASS for example in a filelist code what wil i insert there. Pls show me wit an example, pls am beggin you
STRIKELORD div class is just the holder of an item, it also serves as design.
mowi Pls i need that ur 2go booster
STRIKELORD paste in your first page
<table width='100%'><tr><td width='70%' class="girl"><form action="/starboosted" method="get"><input name="star" value="NOVICE"
type="radio" />NOVICE<br/><input name="star" value="AMATEUR"
type="radio" />AMATEUR<br/><input name="star" value="SENIOR"
type="radio" />SENIOR<br/><input name="star" value="ENTHUSIAST"
type="radio" />ENTHUSIAST<br/>
<input name="star" value="PROFESSIONAL"
type="radio" />PROFESSIONAL<br/>
<input name="star" value="EXPERT"
type="radio" />EXPERT<br/>
<input name="star" value="LEADER"
type="radio" />LEADER<br/>
<input name="star" value="VETERAN"
type="radio" />VETERAN<br/>
<input name="star" value="MASTER"
type="radio" />MASTER<br/>
<select name="action"><option value="none">-select action-</option><option value="TO BOOST">boost</option></select>
<input type="text" style="width:50px" name="username"><input type="submit" value="submit"></form></td><td width='30%' class='in'><img src="" /></td></tr></table>
Copy code
Now go to your filebrowser and create a file name it starboosted and paste the below
<div class="lime2">Obey The Reply From The Server, Cause The Server Will Be Your Guide</div><div class="lime" align="left"><font color="blue">2GO USERNAME::::</font><br /><font color="blue">Your Username Is</font> <font color="gold">{_$username|}</font></div><div class="lime" align="left"><font color="blue">STAR LEVEL::::</font><br />Your Current Star Level Is <font color="red">{_$star|}</font></div><div class="lime" align="left"><font color="blue">BOOSTER TASK::::</font><br />Task Selected Is<font color="gold">"{_$action|}"</font></div><div class="lime" align="left"><font color="blue">SERVER REPLY::::</font><br /><center><font color="lime"><script src=""></b></script></font></center></div>
Copy code
mowi Pls mowi help me wit ur filelist and download page code. Help
STRIKELORD Pls i need the filelist that show image
STRIKELORD help me with logo creator the code
mowi Tanks,Pls i need dat 2go diploma creator and the other logo creator.