mowi pls help me with your bookmark code and that your date and time in rainbow
mowi tanks mowi. help me with your wise quotes and your funny trivia pls
mowi I don't know how to thank you mowi. u ar just great. pls I want to know how to make that download table where you have the previewed image and by the right you have the file name, size, ratings and download now. help me with the code pls
mowi help me out pls
Alimazaswap Put this on your download page
<div class="cyclone2"><center><b><div class="lime2">~File Statistics</b></center></div></div>
<div class="lime2"><b style=color:black;>¤ Name :</b> <b style=color:blue;>{_$name|No File Referred To}</b></div>
<div class="lime2"><b style=color:black;>¤ File size :</b> <b style=color:blue;>{_$size|No File Referred To}</b></div>
<div class="lime2"><b style=color:black;>¤ Category :</b> <b style=color:blue;>{_$category|No File Referred To}</b></div>
<div class="lime2"><b style=color:black;>¤ Time Of Upload :</b> <b style=color:blue;>{_$time|Not Available}</b></div>
<div class="lime2"><b style=color:black;>¤ Date Of Upload :</b> <b style=color:blue;>{_$date|Not Available}</b></div>
<div class="lime2"><a href="{_$href|404}"><center><img src=""></center></a></div><div class="cyclone2"><b style=color:blue;><center>Copy To Your Wapsite</center></b></div><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="33%" bgcolor="blue" class="in" align="center"><b>URL</b><br/><input type="text" size="5%" value="{_$href|http://<xt:url type="domain"/>/index}"></input></td><td width="34%" bgcolor="" class="in" align="center"><b>HTML</b><br/><input type='text' size='5%' value='<a href="{_$href|http://<xt:url type="domain"/>/index}">Download {_$name|Nothing}</a>'></input></td><td width="33%" bgcolor="" class="in" align="center"><b>BB CODE</b><br/><input type="text" size="5%" value="[url={_$href|http://<xt:url type="domain"/>/index}]Download {_$name|Nothing}[/url]"></input></td></tr></table>
Copy code
mowi mowi after I paste it what's next??
Alimazaswap Any file will be transfered to thir page before download
mowi mowi pls i want to know the website that u created your text (MOWIWAP) that is at the header of your page. help pls